The Guitar Knobsblog

What are your four ‘must-have’ pedals? That is what we ask our guests to share with you in our Four On the Floor podcast segment.

Eric is one of the more memorable dudes I’ve met in recent history. He eats, sleeps, and breaths guitar gear. He has a long and unique history in the music and gear business, especially amplifiers. Echopark founder Gabriel Currie chose him to create the Echopark Amplifier line. Eric also LOVES peals. If you are not familiar with Echopark Guitars do yourself a favor and check him out. He gave us a fantastic interview too! You can hear the episode for yourself right here. Check out Eric’s choices for his Four On The Floor.

1. VOX – King Wah (Vintage Italian 1968)

“I cant do without a wah pedal. Its a really kooky old thing, but extremely vocal. They can be a bit noisy but glorious. When I don’t have one I feel naked. Its really weird and really cool and I love it..”

Check out the VOX – King Wah (Vintage Italian 1968)


2. Univox – Super Fuzz

“Just love ’em. They are noisy and problematic and have to change out parts of the jacks, but they are just awesome, unbelievable. They are not of this earth. Sonically they are off the charts, like its dragging you down a road. You just gotta hold on.”

Check out the Univox – Super Fuzz


3. Shin-ei – Univibe

“Everybody is probably familiar with this one, It just such a classic rock n roll sound. It adds so much color and personality and if you want you can make it get really weird.”

Check out the Shin-ei – Univibe


4. Mu-Tron – Octave Divider

“Lots of switches to let you manipulate how you divide the octave. I think they were for keyboards originally but I’m not certain. They are pretty expensive now. I had a pair of them at one time. They are wonderful. they were such a big part of my tone early one.”

Check out the Mu-Tron – Octave Divider

Huge thanks to Eric for being a guest on our show and please check out Echopark Guitars. We wish him continued success!